10-12 July 2024

2nd International Conference on
Advanced Nanomaterials and Applications

Jointly organized by

VIT-AP University, India
University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

Conference Topics

Scientists, academicians, and researchers are invited to send your research papers on the themes listed below. The papers can be from broader areas but relevant to the current times and the theme of the conference too.

All submissions will be peer-reviewed by individual reviewers. Presented and accepted manuscripts will be forwarded to Scopus indexed conference proceedings/book volume for possible publication. Based on the editor’s recommendations, some book chapters may be included for publication in a conference book with ISBN. Please note that, the final decision of acceptance of a paper/book chapter remains with the publisher(s).

Publication Partners: (Please monitor Submissions page for updates on more journal details)

  • The Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology (Diamond Open Access; Indexed in WoS and Scopus) - original full research papers, letters, reviews and perspectives will be considered for publication as part of the journal's regular stream.
  • Proceedings in Springer Nature (Indexed in Scopus)
  • Conference Book with ISBN
Best Oral Presentation Awards will be given in each technical session
  • Group 1: Energy Storage and Conversion
    • Solar cells
    • Hydrogen storage materials
    • Fuel cells
    • Supercapacitors
    • Batteries
    • Catalysis
  • Group 2: Bio- and Healthcare Materials
    • Nano-biotechnology
    • Nano-toxicology
    • Nano-biomedicine
    • Healthcare and nano-cosmetics
    • Drug delivery
    • Food Processing and packaging
  • Group 3: Sensors and Actuators
    • Actuators
    • Organic, Inorganic and electronic sensors
    • Atomic and quantum sensors
    • Chemical, bio and gas sensors
    • Sensor materials, fabrication and packaging
    • Micro and nano fluidics
  • Group 4: Functional Materials
    • Multifunctional nanomaterials
    • Metals and alloys
    • Polymeric materials
    • Smart and intelligent materials
    • Materials for environmental applications
    • Ceramics and glasses
  • Group 5: Optical Materials
    • Optoelectronics
    • Nanoelectronics
    • Photonics
    • Singular optics
    • Lab-on-chip
    • Semiconductor & CMOS compatible devices
  • Group 6: Computational and Simulation Methods
    • Neuromorphic computing
    • Learning-based analysis
    • Computational materials and methods
    • Nanoscale modelling and applications
    • Numerical modelling methods and applications
    • Simulation of optical and plasmonic materials
    • Nanofluid flows

Important Dates

  • Last Date of the Abstract /Manuscript Submission — 1 May 2024 15 June 2024
  • Notification of Acceptance — 3 June 2024
  • Submission of Camera Ready Abstract/Manuscript — 10 June 2024
  • Last Date of Early Bird Registration - 10 June 2024 25 June 2024
  • Last Date of Late Registration - 05 July 2024
  • Conference Dates — 10-12 July 2024